Feb 15, 2018
Buying a home is a major step in life. Before you make the commitment to home buying this year, there are some things you should consider first. Buying a home is not a decision you make on a whim. It needs to be carefully thought out and planned in...
Jan 10, 2018
Building a new home is an exciting time! You can enjoy the luxury of owning a brand new home and watching it come to life right before your eyes. However, there is much to be done throughout the home building process, and it can be overwhelming to...
Dec 8, 2017
Here at Manchester Homes, we love the holiday season. Our homes are always decorated for Christmas and the holiday spirit shines throughout our neighborhoods. If you are looking for a way to spread some Christmas joy to your neighbors this holiday...
Nov 7, 2017
According to the Harris poll, Thanksgiving is America’s second most loved holiday, just a few points below Christmas. With around 46 million Turkeys getting eaten all around the Land of the Free, everybody would be celebrating with a full stomach...
Oct 10, 2017
In the late 19th Century until the 1930s, craftsmanship in homes reached the apex of popularity. The design heavily borrowed from the homes of the bygone Arts and Crafts movement in Scotland and England. This architectural concept makes generous use...